This page provides information on small grant opportunities within IOM’s ongoing projects. Through its grant initiatives, IOM contributes to development of micro and small businesses, economic resilience, creation of jobs opportunities for both the local community and refugees, and mitigation of the impact of the war on private households and communities.

Proposals to respond to urgent life-saving needs are always accepted under IOM’s Rapid Response Fund (RRF).

For more information or to submit an Expression of interest please email


CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PROJECT NAMED: Strengthening security and social cohesion in conflict hotspots along migratory routes in Blue Nile

Posted (date)


Clarification Request Deadline


Application Deadline


Notification of Results         


Implementation Start Date


Implementation End Date


The application must be submitted by email to no later than 26 Dec 2024. Late Application will not be considered. Applications must adhere to the Expression of Interest submission guidelines below; incomplete applications will not be considered.

The Application must be submitted through email, and the subject line of the email should read: Application -CEI- SDN/CSPB/2024/CEI07– [Name of applicant organization]”. Late Application will no longer be considered.

EOI Documents:


Annex A _ToR

Annex B _Budget and financial reporting template

Annex C_Template-for-IP-Concept-Note-with-Guideline

Annex D_IOM Narrative Reporting Template

Annex E_Project Implementation Agreement Template

Annex F_IOM Data Protection Principles

Diligence assessment:

PSEAH Capacity assessment:




No ongoing grant opportunities