DTM is a system to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. It is designed to regularly and systematically capture, process and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of displaced populations, whether on site or en route. Data collection strategies and tools are based on the DTM global methodology but have been adapted to reflect the context and population movements specific to Sudan.

Since 2004, DTM Sudan has provided rapid emergency registrations with a priority of meeting immediate information needs for guiding direct assistance to vulnerable people. In 2010, DTM expanded to include biometric registrations and data verifications – implemented in response to government or humanitarian partner requests. Registration data continues to be used by site managers for beneficiary selection, vulnerability targeting and programming. Additionally, DTM Sudan is actively operating one Flow Monitoring Point at Abyei – registering the arrival of South Sudanese into the country.

Commencing in November 2019, DTM Sudan expanded its operations to implement Mobility Tracking (MT) across an initial seven states. The MT methodology utilises key informant networks to systematically track mobility in locations of interest over consistent data collection rounds. Enumerators revisit each location and interview key informants to update locations and verify population presence on a quarter-yearly basis. DTM Sudan’s MT figures have been endorsed by the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and UNOCHA, and will be used to inform the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) for 2021.

As a subcomponent of MT, Emergency Event Tracking (EET) is regularly deployed to track sudden displacements and population movements and provide more frequent updates when needed. EET is activated within 72 hours – one week after an event (such as natural disasters or conflict) to assist in rapid response planning. Prior to the implementation of EET, Early Warning Flash Alerts are disseminated within the first 24-48 hours of incidents to notify partners on sudden events where EET activities will subsequently take place. DTM’s EET activities throughout the 2020 rainy season monitored the situation of individuals affected by the record-breaking floods across Khartoum state since mid-July 2020 and captured a total number of 115,879 flood affected individuals (23,094 households) – 26 per cent of whom were displaced.

DTM Sudan has designed Situation Assessments to collect data on populations in non-emergency settings or protracted situations caused by conflict or natural disaster. DTM teams piloted the implementation of a Situation Assessment in six locations within Gharb Jabal Marrah and Wasat Jabal Marrah localities, Central Darfur to collect data on those who have been affected by previous and ongoing forms of conflict, as well as limited humanitarian response due to access impediments.

Finally, IOM is in the process of expanding its DTM operations to the east of the country – laying the foundation for mapping affected, displaced and returnee populations present in Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref states, in addition to tracking transhumance mobility along key points of transit.

Contact information

For further information, please contact IOM Sudan: