IOM is the primary organization to assist with emergency evacuations in particular in cases where Sudanese migrants (or third country nationals) are caught in emergencies abroad or where irregular migrants are expelled in significant numbers.  IOM is ready to mobilize regional and global resources to deploy rapid assistance coordinated with the governments of affected nationals. In 2014, IOM assisted a total of 1,950 Sudanese returnees fleeing emergencies overseas from Chad (1,554), the Central African Republic (110), Syria (54) and Libya (242).

Following the start of the Yemen crisis in March 2015, Sudan has been used as the evacuation hub with flights from Sana’a since 12 April 2015 for third country nationals from 41 nationalities worldwide including Sudan.  A total of 1,347 TCNs have been assisted so far with travel to Sudan and subsequent onward transportation (963) to their final destination.

Contact information

For more information regarding Yemen evacuation, please contact: Emergency Unit