The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognises migration as a powerful driver of sustainable development and inclusion for migrants, internally displaced persons, and respective communities. Migration brings significant benefits in the form of skills, strengthening the labour force, investment, and cultural diversity, and contributes to improving the lives of communities in their countries of origin through the transfer of skills and financial resources. 

IOM’s work cuts across and contributes to multiple SDGs. In terms of IDPs, IOM will support the national government to integrate internal displacement solutions into the national development and SDG implementation plans. 

IOM Sudan is following a comprehensive approach to migration and development, supporting the operationalisation of the Global Compact for Migration in Sudan and will: support the government of Sudan to apply a whole-of-government approach, and to develop national migration policies; support a whole-of-society of approach and support stakeholder involvement; engage, empower, and enable migrants as development actors; support diaspora involvement in achieving the sustainable development goals in Sudan, and support objective one of the GCM by supporting the collection and utilization accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies.