In environments experiencing complex emergencies, where security concerns can prevent donors from reaching project sites, a third party can be contracted to conduct monitoring and activity verification.

In 2015, in partnership with Management Systems International (MSI), IOM Sudan began the Darfur Monitoring Project (DMP) as a third party monitoring (TPM) entity for USAID’s OFDA-funded humanitarian efforts in South and West Darfur states. The DMP is providing the Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) with independent verifiable data related to the quantity, quality, and progress of OFDA’s humanitarian assistance efforts.  This independent evidence enables OFDA and its implementing partners (IPs) to continually learn and improve practices that can enhance the efficacy of their programs and increase impact of their assistance.

IOM Sudan piloted the DMP to 9 OFDA-funded projects in South and West Darfur States, then rolled out the project to 97 project sites, 44 in South and 53 in West Darfur state, comparing DMP data to data recorded at sites to verify the accuracy of implementing partner reported data. DMP also conducted so far two data quality assessment (DQA) for one OFDA health and one OFDA WASH indicator common to implementing partners. A DQA helps managers to understand how confident they should be in the data collection procedures used to manage a program and report on its success. Until today, the DMP analyzed and shared two lessons learned reports on the operationalization of the TPM system, as well as on the implemented arrangements for UFDA-funded projects in South and West Darfur.