
Abyei Humanitarian Response Update

IOM continues to provide much-needed logistical support and assistance to agencies and international NGOs helping some 12,000 families displaced by recent fighting in the disputed oil-rich town of Abyei. Two large IOM storage tents have been assembled in the town of Turalei to warehouse thousands of Non Food Items, including tents and plastic sheeting, which are being distributed to vulnerable displaced families through a fleet of IOM trucks. IOM is also working with the World Food Programme to conduct food distribution in areas of south of Abyei, including Agok, Abatok, Malual Alio, Awal and Wunpeth, which shelters most of the displaced. IOM has sent more than 260 tonnes of assistance to the Abyei region, including tents and 5,500 Non Food Items kits, containing mosquito nets, soap, plastic sheets and mats, blankets and jerry cans before the beginning of the rainy season, which is expected in the coming days. Fighting which erupted on 13th May between the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and the Sudanese Army has forced the majority of the residents of Abyei town to flee southwards towards Agok and surrounding areas such as Abatok, Awal, Wunpeth and Malual Alio. Others have fled towards into Twic County in Warrap State. It is also reported that a small number went to Aweil East in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State and Bentiu on Unity State. For more information, please contact: Nelson Bosch IOM Khartoum Tel: + 249 912 14 1757 E-mail: "">