
IOM Sudan Completes Return Air Operation for Displaced People to the South

An IOM air operation to help internally displaced people (IDPs) who have been living in Khartoum for many years to return to their homes in the south of the country has ended. The final two charter flights carrying 233 people left Khartoum at the weekend for Juba and Mundri in Central Equatoria state. It brings the total number of people returned by air to 1,530 since the operation began in mid July to continue assisting the return of IDPs to Central and Western Equatoria states as the rainy season had put an end to road travel. The air returns were part of a Joint Organized Return Programme of the Government of National Unity, the Government of Southern Sudan, the UN and IOM in which 63,000 South Sudanese IDPs are due to be helped return to their former homes in 2007, which many have not seen for more than 20 years. So far, nearly 45,000 South Sudanese displaced people have been assisted by road, barge and air since the programme began in early February. All the IDPs were medically screened and vaccinated prior to departure by an IOM health team at the El Salam Departure Centre on the outskirts of Khartoum. Upon arrival in Juba, the returnees were provided accommodation at the way station operated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and German Technical Corporation (GTZ) before being assisted by IOM to their final destinations in Western and Central Equatoria states. On arrival at their final destinations, returnees are given a three-month food ration by the World Food Programme (WFP). The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) has been assisting the air operation by providing cargo flights which transport to Juba the luggage returnees are permitted to take with them. For further information, please contact: Simona Opitz IOM Khartoum Tel (Mobile): ++ 249 (0)912339700 E-mail: "">