
IOM Sudan hosts the first Steering Committee meeting for the EU funded Cross Border Peace and Cooperation (CBPC) Project

The first CBPC Project Steering Committee meeting was held in IOM Sudan’s Khartoum Offices to discuss project implementation progress and challenges. The SC comprises of individuals representing the European Union Delegation (EUD) to the Republic of Sudan, IOM Sudan, the Federal Ministry of Finance; State Ministries of Finance-South and East Darfur; as well as members of established Community Improvement Committees at the locality level.

The SC provides regular monitoring guidance to the CBPC Project which aims to contribute to Sudan’s development priorities through enabling an environment for community stabilization and peaceful coexistence amongst pastoralist and sedentary communities in South and East Darfur States, in areas at the border with South Sudan. The Purpose of the Project Steering Committee (SC) is to create a forum for discussion between the different project stakeholders to provide programmatic updates and exchange ideas, solutions and lessons learnt.

The opening remarks for the meeting were led by IOM Sudan Chief of Mission OIC, Ms. Tatjana Cerovina; the European Union Delegation to Khartoum’s International Cooperation officer and Governance Coordinator, Ms. Francesca Arato; as well as the Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Director Mr. Gammar Eissa El Swar and the State Minister of Finance- East Darfur, Mr. El Haj Ali Tibin who all welcomed the SC members and emphasized the importance of the discussions that will follow.

Ms. Arato, reiterated the importance of understanding the community focused component of the project and how empowering communities at the local and cross border level will facilitate the flourishment of economic trade between different communities and create a more conducive environment for peace and development in the region in a long term perspective.

Ms. Cerovina stated the importance of having project interventions that address the drivers of migration in Sudan by promoting tolerance and trust between communities and enhancing social cohesion and community preparedness which can absorb current and new influxes. Cerovina also highlighted that opportunities for community interaction and cohesion need to be aligned with opportunities for economic empowerment to strengthen individual resilience, with delivery of basic infrastructure and services to contribute to stability and durable solutions.

The State Minister of Finance of East Darfur, Mr. Tibin reiterated the government’s keenness in supporting community led initiatives, saying Darfur is a welcoming state and host to many migrant influxes. This is due to Sudan’s particular geographical positioning as a migratory corridor.

During the meeting, agreement was reached on the final Terms of Reference of the Project Steering Committee as well as expression of positive community impact resulting from implemented interventions, such as livelihood capacity building, Income Generation Activities and WASH infrastructure. In addition to the dire need for more developmental activities in South and East Darfur. Operational challenges and solutions were also discussed and the upcoming workplan of remaining project activities was shared with the consensus of all stakeholders.

The meeting is the first of a series of planned SC meetings which aim to share project implementation updates and challenges; helping the Committee agree, when necessary, on any planned adjustments of program activities. The SC meeting will also enable discussions on the main challenges encountered during the implementation of the project and solutions to overcome these; ensuring that future project implementation benefits from the lessons learnt.

The CBPC project is funded by the European Union through an Indirect Management Delegation Agreement (IMDA). The 24-month fund runs from February 11th 2015 to February 10th 2017.