
IOM Sudan’s Kick-Off Meeting with 7 Civil Society Organizations to implement livelihoods activities in West Kordofan, South Kordofan and Blue Nile States

IOM Sudan met with seven Sudanese civil society organizations who were selected as partners implementing livelihoods activities in West Kordofan, South Kordofan and Blue Nile State (SPDO, VCO, Muzan, FPDO, Labena, NIDAA and Jasmar). Funded by the Government of Canada, the “Establish Livelihoods and Rapid Response to Emergency Needs for Crisis-affected Population in South Kordofan, West Kordofan and Blue Nile Project”, aims to improve food security and diversify income generating activities of IDPs, returnees and host communities in the three states. Selection was done after IOM Sudan launched an open call for proposals on 5 November 2015, and receiving seventy six proposals. A committee was created to review the proposals and award those with the highest scores, valuing a mix of expertise, field knowledge and innovation. Contracts were signed and implementation began on 12 January 2016 and due to end on 31 March 2016.

The project will:

Provide around 800 persons with the ability to diversify their livelihoods and generate income, through vocational training, income-generating activities, agricultural training and start-up kits.

Support animal health services by training 50 community animal health workers and the rehabilitation of 3 animal health facilities.

Build 2 greenhouses to support vegetables community production.

    For more information, please contact: Dalia Al Roubi– Communications Officer email: or

    Fernando MEDINA Head, Transition and Reintegration

