
IOM Visits East Sudan for a Multi-Sector Assessment Mission

IOM Sudan conducted a Multi Sector Assessment Mission to East Sudan on 13-15th June 2017. The Mission came after IOM’s recent renewed 2 year Protocol of Cooperation signature with Sudan’s Federal Humanitarian Aid Commission and in response to an invitation from the General Secretariat of the Government of Kassala State. The mission met relevant authorities at the General Secretariat of the Government of Kassala State including the Humanitarian Aid Commission as well as other partners for the implementation of ongoing projects and the identification of new projects aimed at assisting State authorities in better managing migration-related challenges. The Mission aimed to understand the State government and partners priorities and plans for future IOM Sudan programming in Kassala State and provide recommendations on suitable approaches for the development and implementation of IOM Sudan programs in the State, including the establishment of an IOM sub-office in Kassala State; as well as to develop the ongoing refugees resettlement programme as a durable solution for refugees to decongest refugee camps and consolidate ongoing projects building the resilience of hosting communities through effective humanitarian response leading to transition and recovery; and to identify entry points for the development of migration management projects and opportunities and conditions for IOM Sudan’s permanent presence in the State.

Eastern Sudan hosts a considerable number of migrants from the Horn of Africa in particular from Ethiopia and Eritrea; representing one of the main gateways for refugees and migrants. Mixed migratory flows in this area add to population movement due to the impact of climate changes and post conflict situation. Against this backdrop, Kassala government has taken significant steps to address migration management challenges with the support of the international community complementing the state government and local communities’ efforts in providing assistance to vulnerable population while enhancing their resilience. Over the past three years, IOM has been operating remotely in Kassala State in partnership with line ministries and other counterparts to address critical needs of mobile groups and hosting communities. During the last two years IOM has deployed several technical missions for assistance and monitoring on the implementation of project activities.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities