
Lifesaving projects in South Kordofan provide clean water for over 59,000 people in Abu Kershola

Hassan Adam is a 45 year old male living in Abu Kershola locality in South Kordofan with his wife and 6 children, 3 girls and 3 boys. Abu Kershola has a total population of 59,169. Hassan and his family were originally settled in Abu Ketera, in South Kordofan, however their village was attacked as a result of tribal conicts, forcing them to move. “They came in from the south with their guns, shooting at everyone, they destroyed the agriculture college, and they raided our homes and took everything.” Hassan’s village, Hai al Magharib, was one of the firrst villages to get hit during the conflict and he and his family fled, leaving behind all their belongings.

Mercy Corps Scotland (MCS) appealed to IOM’s Rapid Respond Fund (RRF) program to meet the critical, life-saving needs of newly displaced people in Abu Kershola. IOM manages the RRF, which is a USAID/OFDA funding mechanism that is designed specically to rapidly respond to the most urgent needs of vulnerable, newly displaced people (whether displaced by conict or natural disaster). Their project ran from 1st January 2015 to 31st March 2015, and provided clean and hygienic water and sanitation facilities for vulnerable families like Hassan’s.

Download the success story here

For more information, please contact: Lisa Lim Ah Ken - Rapid Response Fund Grants Manager, Tel: +249 92240 6602

Amani Osman – Communications Officer email: Tel: +249 92240 6686