
New cooperation agreement to improve the living conditions of vulnerable migrants and IDPs

The new cooperation agreement signed between IOM, the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and the State Ministry of Education (SMoE) in North Darfur signed a long-term commitment towards the improvement of the living conditions of IDPs, vulnerable migrants and mobile populations in Sudan.

The cooperation serves as a first step towards empowering and exposing communities to seek sustainability and foresee a better future through formal adult education in areas which can be expanded into small micro-enterprises or family businesses, like food production, tailoring and handicraft (for female vocational trainees) and welding, building, construction, auto mechanics, and plumbing (for male vocational trainees).

IOM Sudan has continued to provide vocational training and income generation opportunities to IDPs and vulnerable host communities across Darfur, South Kordofan, West Kordofan and Blue Nile states through its vocational training courses. The project is funded by the Government of Japan & Canada who have been committed to working with IOM to reduce aid dependency and promote durable solutions.

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