
Over 16,500 vulnerable displaced people across Sudan assisted with Emergency Shelters and Non Food Items in preparation for the rainy season

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Sudan Mission has provided life-saving Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES/NFIs) assistance to 16,525 vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) across three states in Sudan in 2015. It is projected that by the end of 2015, 65,000 vulnerable IDPs will benefit from multi-donor funding of ongoing ES/NFI projects. This year has seen IOM ES/NFIs assistance expand with an increase of 40% of beneficiaries reach from last year’s total of 7,755 IDPs in South Kordofan, South Darfur and North Darfur supported with Emergency Shelter and Non Food Item assistance.

IOM continues to prioritize the most vulnerable and at risk populations, with new Internally Displaced People (IDPs) being the most in need of assistance, as they are often arriving with very little and fleeing harsh conflict areas. IOM uses its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology to identify the populations that are in most need of the assistance. DTM provides accurate and rapid information to all humanitarian partners in order to ensure that humanitarian assistance can be provided based on accurate information on displacement figures and conditions.

With the rainy season fast approaching, it has become a priority to preposition supplies and prepare contingency stock to minimize the impact of flash floodingon already vulnerable mobile populations.Prepositioning of kits is particularly crucial as transportation of ES/NFI supplies can be challenging due to minimal transportation routes to some sites and the upcoming rainy season.

The first response to displacement occurred in North Darfur, where IOM reached 1,200 IDPs households affected by on-going insecurity and conflict in central localities of North Darfur. As a result, many civilians lost both livestock and household belongings, exposing them to harsh, unmanageable weather conditions and numerous disease vectors. The most recent distribution took place in ZamZam IDP camp, where IOM provided ES/NFI assistance for900vulnerable IDPs registered in 2015 whilst awaiting further assistance from humanitarian partners.

In South Kordofan, violence broke out and several villages were looted, with housesburned down and destroyed, resulting in dispersed displacement. IOM assisted 1,500 extremely vulnerable IDP households across eight displacement sites in the eastern part of South Kordofan. In addition to lifesaving ES/NFI assistance IOM has also been providing Improved Emergency Shelters to long-term camp based female headed households among other groups with special needs in South Darfur’s Kalma IDP camp.

With the current rise of displacement coupled with the growing number of South Sudanese new arrivals, resources are over-stretched posing serious concern. IOM continues to prioritize those most at risk, and with the support of our donors and future funding prospects, will continue to provide lifesaving ES/NFI support for the most vulnerable. IOM has been able to provide assistance to affected population with ES/NFIs and DTM thanks to the generous funding provided by Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF), European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), Government of Canada (DFATD), Government of Japan and Italian Development Cooperation.

For more information, please contact:

Lorena Dos Santos at Email: or Amani Osman, Tel: +249 92240 6686, Email: