
The State Ministry of Health requests IOM Sudan to extend its project duration supporting Sayah Mobile Clinic Services in North Darfur

IOM Sudan has been requested by the State Ministry of Health in North Darfur to extend its project support to Sayah mobile clinic in North Darfur to March 2016, past the initial December 2015 scheduled project ending. As part of the “Improving the Human Security of IDPs and Mobile Populations in Conflict and Natural Disaster Affected Areas in Sudan Project”, funded by the Government of Japan; the Sayah mobile clinic was established in July 2015 to cater for the influx of Internally Displaced Persons from 155 villages fleeing the eruption of inter-tribal conflict in March 2015 in Mellit locality, 32 km from Mellit Town in North Darfur. Sayah area (and surrounding villages) suffers from an absence of health facilities and mobile clinics provide a way for vulnerable populations such as there in remote areas to have access to health care. At the start of the project activities, IOM Sudan registered a total of 4, 875 households and 23, 062 individuals, excluding the affected populations from surrounding villages. The request for extension is due to the continued need for urgent health care services to displaced persons in remote villages and the members of the surrounding community. The State Ministry of Health in North Darfur will be responsible for sustaining the mobile clinic past project closure.

Serving a large group of beneficiaries in need of emergency support, Sayah mobile clinic achieved the following:

  • Treated 4,487 outpatients Immunized 153 pregnant women from TT2 (Tetanus Toxoid) Conducted 682 Ante Natal Care visits to pregnant women Immunized 2,582 children through the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) Screened 1, 249 under 5s children MUAC (Middle Upper Arm Circumference) for malnutrition Reached 2, 466 beneficiaries with health and hygiene promotion Facilitated 24 referrals

For more details contact Marsela NYAWARA Emergency, Health Officer, email:

