
Sudan Independent Film Festival Jury Award Given to One of the Participants from IOM funded Intiqal Filming Workshop

Khartoum – The short film Hussein Richard directed by Maher Hassan and supervised by Imad Mabrook was presented with the Jury Award at the Sudan Independent Film Festival. The short film was one of five films produced during the 3 week “Intiqal” workshop funded by the IOM Sudan and facilitated by Sudan Film Factory which brought together Sudanese Journalists and migrants from various countries to collaborate in telling stories of migration and the experiences of migrants. The film relays Hussein Richard’s experience as a migrant fleeing war and finding himself in Khartoum, making a new family and friends. The workshop is part of IOM Sudan’s continuing efforts to bring a more positive perspective on migration into the public eye and correct general negative misconceptions about it.


Read more about the filming course at

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals