
Sudan Ministry of Interior in partnership with IOM Sudan address the modernization of Sudan VISA system in a brainstorming session

Over 40 participants from the Ministry of Interior, the National Intelligence and Security Services, the Ministry of Investment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Tourism attended a brainstorming session focused on Online Visa Application (OVA) Systems at the Police Club. Funded under the IOM Development Fund (IDF) project “Providing Technical Support to Improve Border and Migration Management in Sudan”, this initiative meant to promote the discussion among relevant authorities on the rationalization and modernization of Sudan’s Visa system as one of the key border management challenges.

Since 2015, IOM Sudan has been providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Interior in order to review current visa procedures moving towards an e-managed Visa system. The brainstorming session included a debriefing on the Study Tour to Rwanda conducted in April 2017 by senior officers of the Ministry of Interior with the support of IOM Sudan. The purpose of the visit was to observe the experience and good practices of the Directorate of Immigration and Emigration of Rwanda on the application of an e-visa system and the operational aspects of the Integrated Border Management between Rwanda, the Republic of Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Opened by Mr. Norberto Celestino, IOM Sudan Officer in Charge, the session was chaired by Lieutenant General Awad Al Neil Dahia, Head of Ministry of Interior Passport and Civil Registration Corporation and moderated by Mr. Salah Osman, IOM Sudan Senior Liaison Officer. Gel. Dahiya stated: “We have asked IOM to assess our work, our system has been evaluated by experts and we know that we need to improve it”. He also reiterated the relevance of training for migration officers while thanking IOM for facilitating the visit to Rwanda. On the same note, Coronel Farah Mahgoub, who joined the Study Tour, underlined among the main outcomes of the visit to Rwanda, a better understanding of advantages and strengths of an e-based visa system for a more efficient and effective immigration and border management.

A meaningful contribution to the discussion was provided by IOM African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) expert on Border Management, Mr. Nelson Gonçalves, who delivered a comprehensive presentation on Online Visa Application (OVA) systems, with a particular focus on experiences in African countries. An invitation to visit the ACBC in Moshi (Tanzania) for further discussion and exchange of information with IT and Border Manager experts was extended to participants.

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