Project: Providing Local Infrastructure and Empowerment for Cross Border Peace and Cooperation (CBPC) within Pastoralist and Sedentary Communities

Pastoralist and sedentary communities coexist in different areas of Sudan and its neighbouring countries, and factors such as climate changes, different social and economic structures and rules, and commercial relationships within the communities and with populations across borders determine human mobility patterns that can affect peaceful coexistence. Traditionally, the communities that live along the border between Sudan and South Sudan are interdependent. Trade and commerce, as well as marketing livestock chains, are observed in South Darfur and East Darfur states in a symbiotic relationship between the pastoralist and sedentary groups, and facilitated by pastoral movements.

The CBPC Project, implemented from February 2015 to February 2017, aims to contribute to an enabling environment for community stabilization and peaceful coexistence amongst pastoralist and sedentary communities in South Darfur and East Darfur States, focusing on three key areas:

  • Delivering community infrastructure and productive assets that sustain social stability, community security and resilience to crisis.
  • Strengthening community capacity to promote co-existence and community stabilization.
  • Providing capacity building to local authorities to mitigate conflict within the communities.

The project is designed around participatory and consultative processes that engage local communities to identify needs and priorities. IOM initiated program activities through two consultative workshops held in Nyala, South Darfur and Ed Daein, East Darfur in December 2015 and April 2016 respectively. The two workshops were attended by a total of 107 members representing state authorities and community members (comprising of pastoralist and sedentary segments). Through the workshop sessions, needs were identified and prioritized according to the three areas of intervention and the specific context in each of the six targeted localities.

Following the needs identification processes, IOM is now implementing light infrastructure programs, capacity building activities to empower communities and enhance their livelihoods, and interventions to strengthen capacity of the authorities in conflict prevention and ensuring security in border areas.

Check our Main List of Suppliers for EU funded project CS0663

For more information, please contact  Noora Mohamed