South Kordofan – Teia and his family were living in Safya, a village in South Kordofan, with little access to basic services such as medicine, food or safe water. When his two-year-old daughter died from acute malnutrition due to the harsh living conditions, Teia decided that it was time to find a better place to raise his eight children, five girls and three boys. In June 2017, Teia and his family arrived in Murta IDPs gathering area, in Kadugli, where there are around 200 displaced families but not enough clean water available for everyone. “One week after we arrived, I realized that the area was not safe and my children were in danger, especially with the Acute Watery Diarrhea”.

In July 17th 2017, the Sudanese Ministry of Health (SMoH) registered an outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhea in South Kordofan, with the first case registered in Murta IDPs gathering area. The available health services in the area were insufficient to assist the 549 cases reported until August 20th, resulting in 56 registered deaths according to SMoH. As a result, the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) through the NGO Mercy Corps - Sudan decided to relocate some of the WASH activities being implemented in Abu Kershola to Murta IDPs gathering area. Thanks to USAID/OFDA support, the people living in Murta could receive rapid life-saving emergency assistance shortly after the AWD outbreak was registered.

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