Zakia is 18. Ten years ago she reached Zamzam from a village called Gusbeina, a 3-hour donkey ride. Today, with parents and 3 younger siblings, she is the only one to earn income in the household. She received training at the El Fasher Technical School for Girls in food processing in 2014. She uses the gas oven she was given to produce foodstuff at home and sells it through women with a permanent stand in the market. Her income has enabled her to buy basic items for the household and re-invest the profit in the purchase of raw materials “When the Women’s Center in Zamzam will be operational, hopefully I will be able to sell my products directly and will gain for all the profit”.

The Zamzam Women’s Training Center was established in 2015 in the Zamzam Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp, North Darfur with funding from the Government of Japan. The center is a training venue that will help vulnerable women like Zakia and others to enhance their income as breadwinners in their homes. From The People of Japan IOM
