IOM facilitates Government of Sudan efforts to end displacement and support durable solutions, by providing communities with the tools to accelerate recovery, transition and socio-economic development. To break the cycle of forced migration, IOM aims to improve self-sufficiency and longer-term resilience of mobile and vulnerable populations and to increase the stability between communities in order to reduce the drivers of conflict and increase tools for social cohesion. IOM also supports durable solutions such as resettlement, returns and reintegration or integration, working in the areas of:

  • Peacebuilding
  • Community stabilization
  • Durable solutions
  • Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)
  • Livelihoods

Through analysis of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) data, IOM is able to improve planning and assistance both at the place of origin and the area of displacement for more effective reintegration strategies and coping mechanisms for displaced populations.

IOM applies resilience, peacebuilding and stabilisation approaches to resolve migration crises and assist governments, communities, and vulnerable populations to cope with migration-related pressures, mitigate or prevent the recurrence of displacement and irregular migration, and respond to the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in Sudan.

In a context of frequent intercommunal violence, IOM believes that inter-and intra-community dialogue is needed to reinforce the positive perception of peaceful co-habitation, the importance of livelihoods and economic development for a long-lasting peaceful co-existence and that contextual understanding of complex crises and investing in locally-driven solutions play critical roles in helping provide solutions. 
By looking at the underlying causes of vulnerability, risk and fragility, IOM will support the reconciliation process, engage with communities, and help strengthen and revitalize local economies in a holistic effort to accompany communities out of crisis and towards a more peaceful, sustainable future.

IOM supports States’ efforts to implement the priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction by preventing and addressing disaster-related population movements and by harnessing the value that mobility can bring to reducing risk and building resilience to multi-hazard risk. 

IOM programming includes assistance to countries to develop or update national and local Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) policies and strategies that integrate human mobility considerations. In communities facing high-risk of disasters and displacement, the Organization supports hazard and vulnerability analysis, community-based disaster risk management, livelihoods' diversification strategies and community early warning and preparedness systems to prevent risk and enable more effective response. IOM also provides policy and operational support to countries undertaking planned relocation of communities from areas at high risk.