Access to safe water and sanitation (WASH) in Sudan suffers chronic underdevelopment throughout the country and is further exacerbated to the extent of survival for people in the areas affected by conflicts. IOM helps communities towards peaceful coexistence and development, through increasing access to limited resources such as improving water schemes and sanitation facilities in the most underdeveloped regions in the country. 

In addition to improving access to clean drinking water to decrease triggers of conflict, IOM contributed to the peacebuilding and reconciliation process by increasing shared resources and community infrastructure across tribal lines; along with training in water point management and maintenance, and community training in water, sanitation and hygiene topics.

IOM Sudan is an active member for the Humanitarian Sector and its Strategic Working Group and is providing potable drinking water and improved sanitation for people in need in all these regions. IOM works with communities and Sudan’s government counterpart to enhance the technical and financial capacities to provide WASH services.

To respond to malnutrition levels that were beyond the emergency threshold in Red Sea, Kassala, and Gedaref, IOM expanded safe water supplies and improved sanitations for 48,355 people.  When fighting renewed in Blue Nile’s Geissan locality, IOM mobilized necessary water filtration kits to ensure immediate access to safe drinking water for the affected people.

Fact sheets and Achievements